Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dinner Premiere!

I recently learned from the Los Angeles Foodbank that the child poverty rate in California is at an astonishing 19.1%. Even more than that, the child food insecurity rate is 26.8%. Working in a school, I see first hand the effects that hunger has on learning and growing. Kids can't focus when they are hungry and often times they are tired and unengaged. Not to mention, sharing a good home-cooked meal with family and friends fosters a sense of emotional support, security, and stability- all things that are fundamental in a child's development. So, here at The Full Belly Project we are trying to put food on the table of Los Angeles' hungry children.

Last night marked the kickoff of The Full Belly Project. I've been talking to my good friend Amanda about this for a couple weeks and I was really excited that she was my company for the first dinner! She has literally told EVERYONE about this project and has backed me 100% so I couldn't be happier to have her over to share in the inaugural dinner benefiting homeless and hungry youth here in Los Angeles. Read all about our dinner!

 Amanda and I grew up together in a small town where 'red trucks' like the one on this wine label are pretty common sights. We're also both huge pinot noir fans, so the moment I spotted this label, I knew it would be perfect for our dinner.

The night started out with some homemade chips, which are incredibly easy to make and soooo delicious! Credit to my sister for teaching me how to make them. Here's what you do:
  • Cut corn tortillas into quadrants
  • Heat up some vegetable oil on the stove
  • Fry tortillas in the oil until golden brown, sprinkling with salt if desired
  • Let cool on a paper towel to drain excess grease
  • Serve with your favorite guacamole or salsa!

Here is my new favorite salsa to eat and make. It is a mango jalapeno salsa- surprisingly really fast and easy to make! Watch out though- it definitely has got some kick to it! Chop up mangoes, jalapenos, red onions, bell pepper, and cilantro and mix together, adding some salt and lime juice to taste.

Bake the salsa over chicken, or you can fry it up fajita style :)

Amanda and I enjoying our first dinner together for The Full Belly Project!

Here is Amanda with her dinner and $20 donation! For every $1 donated, the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank distributes $5 worth of food and product to hungry people all across the county. Thank you sooooo much Amanda for providing hungry children with $100 worth of food- that is enough to feed myself for a few weeks, so imagine what she has provided for hungry kids!

I am really excited for the next dinner and would love to have YOU as my next guest! Bring your friends and come enjoy a meal with me (dinner requests accepted!) Come eat and be part of something truly amazing :)
